I’ve worked at Sojourners since 1995 and have attended most of ACP conferences over the past 23 years. I’ve served two terms on the ACP Board, and am currently serving as the Past President.
A good portion of my time as been devoted to organizing the workshop presentations at our annual conference. This is work I am happy to do because I believe professional development is an important component of the ACP’s mission, and I have benefitted greatly myself from various workshops over the years. I love it that there is a variety of workshop topics for attendees that have different roles (or in some cases multiple roles) in our publishing shops. It’s always good to connect with others in the same line of work and talk about what is working, what is challenging, and best of all getting some new ideas!
Join with me in making a tax deductible contribution to the ACP Legacy Fund as we continue to grow and enhance the mission of the Associated Church Press.
Cynthia Martens
Senior Director of Circulation and Production
Sojourners magazine