What will the religious media focus on in 2017? We take a look in this week’s Faith Digest.
From Christianity Today:
I gathered a group of pastors for dinner, intending to discuss the changing landscape of ministry. But before we could begin, Jason Mann, one of my dinner guests who does campus ministry in Austin, Texas, looked at his phone and said, “My goodness! There’s been a terrorist attack in Nice, France, just now.
Read Full story: http://www.christianitytoday.com/pastors/2016/state-of-church-ministry-2017/year-of-fear.html
From Living Lutheran:
Ah, a new year! It opens up before us with infinite possibilities like brand new notebooks at the beginning of the school year or the beginning of football season in Cleveland—everyone has a 4.0, everyone is undefeated!
Read Full story: http://www.livinglutheran.org/2017/01/happy-new-year-2/
From Red Letter Christians:
2016 proved that we as a nation have a heart problem. When America is weighed in the balance of God’s desire for love and justice, we are found wanting. We have seen again a theme which recurs too often in the American story—that we go forward only to step backwards, that every stride toward freedom is met by a backlash of hate and fear.
Read Full story: https://www.redletterchristians.org/our-new-years-resolution-we-cannot-bow-down/
From Sojourners:
I was baptized on October 23, 1983. I was 10 days old, held in my parents’ arms, and surrounded by family, friends, and a community of faith that would call me their own. The pastor placed his hands in the water and then onto my head, once, twice, three times.
Read Full story: https://sojo.net/articles/finding-hope-new-year-waters-baptism
From Adventist Today:
“Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, and for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon, and for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, and for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof.”
Read Full story: http://atoday.org/a-new-years-blessing/
From Presbyterian Outlook:
Normally, I’m writing last year’s date at least until February. This year, I started accidentally writing “2017” on things in November.
Read Full story: https://pres-outlook.org/2016/12/alex-terrible-horrible-no-good-bad-year/
From National Catholic Register:
As 2017 begins, many are eager to forget 2016 — but just as many look ahead with dread at what the new year may bring. Will there be more war and more terror attacks by radical Islamists? Will there be more ugly political division and rancor?
Read Full story: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/enter-2017-with-proper-fear-of-the-lord
From Adventist Review:
The year 2016 has been the year of the unexpected.There was a surprising rise to power for Rodrigo Duterte as the Philippines elected its first Mindanaoan president; and a surprising victory for Donald Trump as the United States elected its first reality TV personality to sit in the Oval Office.
Read Full story: http://www.adventistreview.org/the-god-of-surprises
From The Alliance:
Ways to grow in your relationship with the Lord and The Alliance in 2017
Read Full story: http://www.cmalliance.org/news/2016/12/31/17-new-years-goals-for-2017/
From Religion News Service:
CHARLESTON, S.C. (RNS) The relatives and friends of the nine people murdered on June 17, 2015 are facing a second New Year’s without their loved ones.
Read Full story: http://religionnews.com/2017/01/01/in-the-new-year-make-emanuels-out-of-all-of-us/
From Image Journal:
This poem moves me and impresses me with its sense of almost-but-not-quite arriving at connection. Everywhere I turn within the walls of this poem, I come face to face with human need and the world’s shortcomings in meeting that need.
Read Full story: https://imagejournal.org/2017/01/02/poem-new-year-candleroom-saint-bartholomews-new-years-eve/
From Challies:
I look forward to the day we own our house free and clear. We have been making payments on the mortgage since the day we moved in, but the end is finally in sight and four or five years from now we should be done at last. (An advantage of buying a small house and staying in it!)
Read Full story: http://www.challies.com/articles/the-best-way-to-begin-a-new-year
From First Things:
It’s been a remarkable year. The success of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump signal significant changes in the political culture of the West. The mainstream press would like us to believe that these events were driven primarily by the economic stresses of globalization. That’s wishful thinking.
Read Full story: https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2016/12/first-things-in-the-year-ahead
From World Council of Churches:
Each year Taizé draws young people together, often to its base in France, with the brothers there to share prayer and Bible study and encounter in a setting welcoming all Christian traditions.
Read Full story: http://www.oikoumene.org/en/press-centre/news/church-and-political-leaders-send-messages-of-hope-to-taize-meeting
From Anglican Communion News Service:
[ACNS, by Gavin Drake] The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has focused on reconciliation – one of the three priority areas for his ministry – for his New Year’s Message. The Archbishop filmed the message in Coventry – where he served as cathedral Canon between 2002 and 2007.
Read Full story: http://www.anglicannews.org/news/2017/01/archbishop-of-canterbury-focuses-on-reconciliation-for-new-year-message-.aspx
From Independent Catholic News:
As with all people, none of us are immune from standing at the gate of the New Year and reflecting on what the last twelve months have brought – and wondering what 2017 might bring.
Read Full story: http://www.indcatholicnews.com/news.php?viewStory=31647
From Living Church:
New Year’s Eve is not a Church holiday, but while we gather to reflect on the passing of 2016 and to greet the coming of 2017, it is not a bad time to reflect on the pontificate of St. Sylvester on his feast day. Just as we hope each new year will bring positive change, so also Pope St. Sylvester presided over what seemed like an incredibly positive change in his day: the beginning of a new era for Christianity.
Read Full story: http://livingchurch.org/covenant/2016/12/31/st-sylvester-on-the-eve-of-change/
From The Gospel Coalition:
And so it is that the calendar has (finally!) flipped and we have begun a brand new year. 2016—with its mix of joys and sorrows, goals met and goals missed, friendships gained and friendships lost—is behind us.
Read Full story: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/4-ways-to-approach-the-new-year-with-jesus
From Mission Network News:
2016 was a year of memorable and sometimes troubling headlines. Today, Emily Fuentes of Open Doors USA is discussing one you may not have encountered on mainstream media.
Read Full story: https://www.mnnonline.org/news/2017-world-watch-list-reveals-troubling-trends/
From Christianity Today:
The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop, look up, and get our bearings. To that end, here are some questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God.
Read Full story: http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2017/january/some-personal-reflection-questions-for-this-new-year.html
From The Christian Post:
As every year comes to an end we look back to see what has changed in those 365 days that have passed. And more often than not, even though the world seems to have pulled off a 180 degree turn, we are the same people we were at the beginning of the year.
Read Full story: http://www.christianpost.com/news/5-motivating-apps-for-carrying-out-your-new-years-resolutions-172484/
From Christian Today:
It’s the London Marathon of Christian discipleship. The Herculean task which separates the pros from the amateurs; the mission so many of us choose to accept every year, and yet which so few complete. Reading the whole of the Bible, in a single year. It’s a lot tougher than it sounds. Or at least, that’s what the evidence of so many failed attempts suggests.
Read Full story: http://bit.ly/2irjZXg
From Baptist News Global:
Scrolling through the list of celebrities who died in 2016 seems to take, depressingly, forever. There also were the personal losses and, for many, a political and cultural landscape that seems upside-down.
Read Full story: https://baptistnews.com/article/working-for-a-justice-is-path-to-peace-in-2017-spiritual-leaders-say/#.WGtPxlN97IU
From The Christian Science Monitor:
There are good reasons for optimism about the United States economy in 2017: Growth is steady, inflation is low, and more people are working.
Read Full story: http://www.csmonitor.com/Business/new-economy/2016/1231/The-economy-in-2017-The-trend-is-up-but-not-for-everyone
From ibelieve.com:
Have you been gazing in wonder at the generosity of God this past week? One of the most generous things about God is His wisdom! He promises to give us His wisdom liberally when we ask!
Read Full story: http://www.ibelieve.com/faith/3-life-changing-prayers-for-a-better-2017.html
From Jim’s Missionary Blog:
Have you ever had something happen that was not exactly what you had hoped for, or even what you might have expected? For example, maybe you asked someone to do something for you and it did not work out or you tried to do something that in the end did not succeed. Someone might say, “Well, what did you expect?
Read Full story: http://www.jimrogahn.org/2016/12/well-what-did-you-expect.html
From One News Now:
To be exact, WalletHub is offering ten resolutions, including sticking to a budget, monitoring your credit report, and paying bills right after payday.
Read Full story: https://www.onenewsnow.com/business/2017/01/02/something-to-consider-two-days-into-the-new-year
From Prophecy News Watch:
Many people are glad 2016 is behind us, and I understand why. But of course, the issues that made last year a struggle are not behind us. Let me explain.
Read Full story: http://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=919
From Sarah Bessey:
I have participated in the #OneWord365 movement for a few years now. Instead of making a long list of (likely to be abandoned) resolutions, you choose simply one word to guide your year.
Read Full story: http://sarahbessey.com/my-oneword365-for-2017/
From Ann Voskamp:
Lori and Mike first came to my table on one of those frigid winter evenings where the light had seeped out of the day well before dinner and entertaining was the last thing I felt like doing.
Read Full story: http://annvoskamp.com/2016/12/at-the-end-of-one-year-before-a-new-year-how-to-anchor-our-souls-in-a-drifting-world/
From Thom S. Rainer:
For those who read my blog regularly, you know I do a “trends post” every year early in January. This next statement sounds totally immodest, but I’m pretty good at predictive trends.
Read Full story: http://thomrainer.com/2017/01/ten-major-trends-churches-2017/
From Blog & Mablog:
It has been our custom for many years to have a “state of the church” message at an early point in the year. This year we have an opportunity to have that message pretty early. Now sometimes the message concerns the state of the church nationally, and sometimes it pertains just to our congregation.
Read Full story: https://dougwils.com/s8-expository/state-church-2017.html
From XXXChurch.com:
Most churches have a small group ministry, and so do we! We have over 86 small groups online that meet weekly. Groups for men, women, pastors, spouses and even married couples.
Read Full story: https://www.xxxchurch.com/thehaps/this-is-whats-coming-for-2017.html
From Jarrid Wilson:
Prayer is the foundation in which we are called to lay all things upon. And as the end of 2016 comes to a close, the beginning of a new year filled with new opportunities and experiences is right around the corner.
Read Full story: http://jarridwilson.com/4-things-all-christians-should-do-heading-into-2017/
From Ron Edmondson:
I’m a reflective person. This time of year, when we start to see all the “best of” reflections online and in the news, I like to do my own personal reflection. How was the year? What can we learn from it? How can I do better next year?
Read Full story: http://www.ronedmondson.com/2016/12/five-personal-reflection-questions-to-evaluate-your-year.html
From Russell Moore:
What should Christians think of New Year’s resolutions? Are they a helpful way to make changes, or are they a legalistic threat? In this episode I talk about how resolutions can benefit us in helping us form godly habits, and why this doesn’t need to be a slavish, performance-obsessed way of life.
Read Full story: http://www.russellmoore.com/2016/12/30/signposts-christians-make-new-years-resolutions/
From Beyond Evangelical:
I’ve decided to make this my last blog post for 2016. With Christmas only weeks away, I figure I’d be writing in vain. People are usually AWOL during the last two weeks of December.
Read Full story: http://frankviola.org/2016/12/15/last2016/
From Denny Burk:
As we begin 2017, it is good to think about what has been and what is to come. There were many people who started 2016 not knowing that it would be their last. I’ve known them. And so have you. We are not so different from them, are we?
Read Full story: http://www.dennyburk.com/another-chance-to-catch-a-glimpse-of-what-is-coming-true-3/
From Head Heart Hand:
Digital technology is killing us. It’s killing our souls and our bodies. It’s killing our marriages, families, and friendships, It’s killing our listening skills and speaking abilities.
Read Full story: http://headhearthand.org/blog/2017/01/03/2017-a-year-of-digital-detox/
From Margaret Feinberg:
Maybe you’re in a season of abundance. You have favor and delight and more opportunities than you know what to do.
Read Full story: http://margaretfeinberg.com/whats-one-word-2017-free-download/#more-32229
From Life Stream:
2017 has arrived! Big deal! I’m not much on arbitrary dates like this. Oh, they are fun to celebrate with friends but I know for many dates like this haunt them for the lack of seeming progress they’ve made in their lives over the past year.
Read Full story: https://www.lifestream.org/happy-new-year/
From Blogging Theologically:
John Newton’s most famous hymn, Amazing Grace, was first written as an illustration for his 1773 New Years Day sermon. I sometimes wonder how Newton would have felt if he’d known it would still be sung around the world 240 years later.
Read Full story: http://www.bloggingtheologically.com/2017/01/01/grace-will-lead-us-home/
From John Acuff:
I have some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is that people who tell you “a job is just a job” are lying to you. Working for the weekend and living for vacation are terrible ways to go through life. Screw TGIF. (The lifestyle, not the restaurant. I am no enemy of mozzarella sticks.)
Read Full story: http://acuff.me/2017/01/tweet-want-send-next-year/
From Borrowed Light:
I try my best to stay out of online controversies. There was a day when I got all wrapped up in that hullabaloo but I mostly stay out of that stuff these days. But I’d be lying if I didn’t confess to occasionally getting myself involved in the occasional kerfuffle. I am a writer for SBC Voices, after all. So a bit of controversy is bound to follow me around on occasion.
Read Full story: http://www.mikeleake.net/2016/12/tired-of-controversy-an-encouragement-for-2017.html
From Courageous Christian Father:
It is the Year of the Lord, just like all the past years and even the present year. That means this year and all years in the past and future belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and not some animal or anything else.
Read Full story: http://www.courageouschristianfather.com/year-of-the-lord/
From George H. Guthrie:
Over the past twenty-five years, studies have demonstrated conclusively the correlation between reading the Bible on a daily basis and personal spiritual health. In fact, according to such studies, no other practice of the Christian life serves as such an accurate predictor of whether a person is thriving spiritually.
Read Full story: http://georgehguthrie.com/new-blog/lets-get-ready-to-read-the-bible-through-in-2017-5-steps
From Thinking Out Loud:
For many of us the school day began with the playing or singing of the national anthem followed by reciting The Lord’s Prayer, the prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples in The Sermon on the Mount, also referred to by Roman Catholics as the Our Father. In the longer, commonly used version we recited, I found it interesting to observe that there are three words repeated twice, two are nouns and one is a verb.
Read Full story: https://paulwilkinson.wordpress.com/2017/01/01/opening-prayer/
From A Place For the God-Hungry:
Some people move ahead. They get better. Meanwhile others remain the same or even digress. Many people end the year with regrets, excuses, disappointments, and “buts.” They are stuck.
Read Full story: http://www.godhungry.org/start-2017-with-a-commitment-to-get-unstuck/
From Maurice Kande:
The year as we know it, has reached the end of its course. And as we are often accustomed, the passage from December to January is also a temporary moment of ‘excitement frenzy’ where most people make wishlist’s and resolutions.
Read Full story: http://www.mauricekande.com/2016/12/the-box-of-righteousness-new-year.html
From At The Table With April Fiet:
The resolution-making and year-end reflection of preparing for a new year comes naturally to me. I self-reflect all the time. I’m constantly making new goals for myself, thinking about my hopes for the future, and nit-picking all of the mistakes from the past that have helped me make any unhelpful ruts and not-so-healthy habits that I struggle with day-to-day.
Read Full story: http://aprilfiet.com/my-thoughts/live-one-word-2017
From The Millennial Pastor:
It’s still Christmas, the 8th day. Yet, the magic of the season that we normally carry with us through New Year’s never really landed for us this year. The tragic stories of this past year kept coming at us, even on Christmas Day. More celebrity deaths, more conflict around the globe, more political messes. A fragile ceasefire is finally holding in Syria on the eve of 2017.
Read Full story: https://millennialpastor.net/2017/01/01/a-lament-for-2016-and-hope-for-2017/
From Along Life’s Path:
Soon it will be 2017. We can start with a clean slate and a year of many unknowns. Even though we don’t know what the coming year will bring, we can be assured that God has everything under control.
Read Full story: https://alonglifespath.com/?p=1849
From Challies:
In general, there are two approaches to daily Bible-reading: intimacy and familiarity. Intimacy with the Bible comes through slow, meditative reading that focuses on small portions—deep study of key books, chapters, and verses.
Read Full story: http://www.challies.com/resources/my-favorite-bible-reading-plan-for-2017
From Christina Fox:
It’s a new year. And what a gift that is! I don’t know about you, but too often I take each new day for granted. As the clock rolls forward from 2016 to 2017, we have to remember that each moment, each day, and each year is a gift from the Lord. “…since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything” (Acts 17.25).
Read Full story: http://www.christinafox.com/blog/2016/11/18/happy-new-year-and-a-giveaway
From Christian News:
ROME — The leader of Roman Catholicism, Jorge Bergoglio, also known as “Pope Francis,” observed the feast of “the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God” on New Year’s Day, urging followers to “entrust the new year to Mary.”
Read Full story: http://christiannews.net/2017/01/02/pope-francis-urges-let-us-entrust-the-new-year-to-mary/
From The Gospel Herald:
In his latest devotional post, Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren uses a Biblical framework to offer some tips and advice for those hoping to stick to their resolutions this year, arguing that in order to change, we must learn the truth and start making good choices, but we also must change the way we think.
Read Full story: http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/69210/20170103/rick-warren-russell-moore-share-tips-for-sticking-to-new-years-resolutions.htm
From Religion & Ethics Newsweekly:
For our annual special program looking ahead to the top religion and ethics stories we expect to be following in 2017, host Bob Abernethy talks with managing editor Kim Lawton, Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, and Jerome Socolovsky, editor-in-chief of Religion News Service.
Read Full story: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/2016/12/22/look-ahead-2017/33914/
From Charisma Magazine:
Forty-five percent of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions. Of those who try to turn over that new leaf, only eight percent of them are successful.
Read Full story: http://www.charismamag.com/life/men/28440-real-new-year-s-resolutions-for-godly-men
From Catholic News Service:
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Whether the new year will be good or not depends on us choosing to do good each day, Pope Francis said.
Read Full story:
From Desiring God:
Many of us lived as people pleasers in 2016. We squandered too much thought, energy, and passion pursuing praise from others. The bitter fruit this bore was pride when we succeeded, despair when we failed, and envy when others surpassed us.
Read Full story: http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/what-really-matters-in-2017
From Naked Pastor:
It started well. The highlight was Lisa and I and our three adult children meeting up in Costa Rica for two weeks. Unforgettable and lovely!
Read Full story: http://nakedpastor.com/2017/01/2017-here-i-come/
From Internet Cafe Devotions:
Maybe we can do away with resolutions and embrace something radical. Perhaps if we do, we could actually end 2017 better than we arrived. If we let the light shine just a bit brighter each day, maybe they would WANT to be in relationship with us, conversations could happen, we could listen to each other, perhaps even walk with each other.
Read Full story: http://internetcafedevotions.com/2016/12/happy-new-year-two-thousand-seventeen/
From SBC Voices:
The silly idea that only megapastors can be SBC presidents. God, give us a faithful pastor of a sub-megachurch as president…before I die.
Read Full story: http://sbcvoices.com/some-things-that-should-be-left-behind-in-2017/
From Church Marketing Sucks:
I started writing scripts for music videos when I was 12 years old. Living in Oklahoma at the time, I dreamed of being a filmmaker in Hollywood, but music videos seemed to be a better fit. They channeled my love for music and desire to create other worlds, all within a timeframe closer to four minutes instead of 90.
Read Full story: http://www.churchmarketingsucks.com/2016/12/big-dreams-big-2017/
From Compassion International – Christian Blog on Child Poverty:
I’ve got fire issues. What I mean is that I’m so urbanized and far removed from Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts training that I can’t effectively light a fire. I compensate by using helpful agents to assist. Like the day we moved into a new house in northern Canada with a backyard and a fire pit.
Read Full story: https://blog.compassion.com/one-word-to-define-2017-ignite/
From Spiritually Unequal Marriage:
My friends, The New Year fast is going to be different than in years past. I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to walk all of us through a season of healing. One of the ways believers encounter healing is upon our discovery of our divine purpose and calling.
Read Full story: http://www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com/my_weblog/2016/12/2017-fast.html
From Creative Madness Mama:
By any accounting this blog post title might definitely be related to a needlecraft art. New Year, New Starts and WIPs sounds a bit like something directly out of a Stitch Maynia or Stitch from Stash SAL (stitch-a-long for those curious).
Read Full story: http://creativemadnessmama.com/blog/2016/12/31/new-year-new-starts-and-continued-works-in-progress/
From Paul Tripp:
While I understand the desire for fresh starts and new beginnings, none of us has the power to reinvent ourselves simply because the calendar has flipped over to a new year.
Read Full story: http://www.paultripp.com/articles/posts/dont-make-resolutions-make-commitments
From Ligonier Ministries:
It seems that every new year, we are caught up in a whirlwind of well-intentioned resolutions. With premeditated bursts of enthusiasm, those closest to us begin to take part in peculiar, and sometimes public activities that even cause neighborhood children to look puzzled.
Read Full story: http://www.ligonier.org/blog/4-christian-principles-making-new-years-resolutions/
From beliefnet:
Have you ever noticed that your Facebook “Status” page is always asking you this question, “What’s happening?” Or, “What’s going on…?”
Read Full story: http://www.beliefnet.com/inspiration/articles/changing-in-the-new-year.aspx
From Desiring God:
New Year’s resolutions can be an important first step, but they are a far cry from real, lasting change.
Read Full story: http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/resolutions-are-not-enough
From Christianity.com:
We’re going to lose weight, exercise more, get out of debt, stick to a budget, stop smoking, save for the future and spend more time with family.
Read Full story: http://www.christianity.com/blogs/dr-james-emery-white/new-years-resolutions-for-you-and-your-church-2017.html
From Youth Specialties:
One of the issues that drives me crazy when I look at the state of youth ministry today is the over emphasis on pragmatism. I believe youth ministry is a deeply theological endeavor. As an Adjunct Professor of youth ministry at Nazarene Theological Seminary, I tend to spend very little time on practical issues.
Read Full story: https://youthspecialties.com/blog/10-new-years-resolutions-youth-workers/
From The Aquila Report:
So the web is filling up with resolutions, lists of what to do, what goals to set for 2017; and doubtless sermons will be preached tomorrow exhorting people with all sorts of challenges for 2017 – maybe I’m just getting old, seen too many resolutions fail, seen people dispirited at the prospect of another year ending with disappointed hopes and unrealised dreams – so I’m not going to go that route!
Read Full story: http://theaquilareport.com/new-year-weariness/
From Youth Ministry:
Every January, many of us make resolutions we don’t keep. This year, try a new approach: youth ministry mantras instead of resolutions. These simple yet profound sayings will encourage, refuel, and focus you.
Read Full story: https://youthministry.com/practice-ministry-mantras-new-year/
From Urban Faith:
A desire for self-improvement and positive change is the very reason why New Year’s has long been my favorite holiday. It’s been the time of year when I’ve been most willing and ready to embrace change.
Read Full story: https://urbanfaith.com/2016/12/new-year-new-resolutions-matter.html/
From Servants of Grace:
Now is the time of year I typically do my end of the year report where I share with the readers and listeners of Servants of Grace what the Lord did through this ministry. The past year of ministry for us has been tremendous.
Read Full story: http://servantsofgrace.org/direction-vision-servants-grace-2017/
From Todd Rhoades:
Optimism: hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. As we enter 2017… I wonder… are you optimistic about this year for you personally and for your ministry?
Read Full story: http://www.toddrhoades.com/single-post/2017/01/03/Being-an-optimistic-church-leader-in-2017
From Stand to Reason:
It’s been 44 years since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, two decisions which greatly expanded the right to an abortion in America. Since then, pro-lifers have fought to save unborn lives.
Read Full story: http://www.str.org/blog/make-pro-life-difference-2017#.WG3MkVN97IU
From Bold for Good:
It’s okay. It’s a new year. All the stuff I wrecked and messed up this year is now in the past. And everything I meant to do but didn’t will certainly get accomplished this time around.
Read Full story: http://www.boldforgood.com/2017-process/
From Orthodox Christian Network:
In the Western world there’s a continuing tradition of making resolutions at the turn of each year. In a sense, people want to commit to resolutions that’ll help them become ‘better’. We can see two aspects to this attractive custom:
Read Full story: http://myocn.net/new-year-resolutions-time-opportunity/
From Premier Christianity:
It was one of those matt black winter mornings, way before the hands of the clock point to a reasonable time. I was cycling to work, barely awake. A bus pulled out, I braked – too hard and too fast – and, the next thing I knew, I was on the floor.
Read Full story: http://www.premierchristianity.com/Blog/Your-2017-won-t-be-perfect.-Here-s-5-ways-to-cope-with-discomfort
From Faith and Theology:
If it’s a clear night on New Year’s Eve, I make a point of gazing at the heavens and counting the stars, to get a tally of my sins at Old Year’s End.
Read Full story: http://www.faith-theology.com/2017/01/doodlings-at-dusk.html
From John Acuff:
I have some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is that people who tell you “a job is just a job” are lying to you. Working for the weekend and living for vacation are terrible ways to go through life. Screw TGIF. (The lifestyle, not the restaurant. I am no enemy of mozzarella sticks.)
Read Full story: http://acuff.me/2017/01/tweet-want-send-next-year/
From We are that family:
I hate you. I cringed at the words flung in my direction from the angry kid standing at my bedroom door. It was one hard day in the middle of Christmas break and it was breaking me.
Read Full story: http://wearethatfamily.com/2017/01/5-family-goals-for-the-new-year/
From Lisa-Jo Baker:
The tree has long since dried up. It has shed a layer of crunchy prickles everywhere. But I haven’t stripped it of its decorations yet.
Read Full story: http://lisajobaker.com/2017/01/im-not-into-new-years-resolutions-instead-i-do-this/
From Sally Clarkson:
I took a hot bath at 4:30 in the afternoon, and put on my flannel gown and pulled in from the coming snow. Just before this, three of my sweet ones were on their way to the airport to fly to the UK and to New York with the other two driving them. I think it was my first moment alone in 18 days and I was beat.
Read Full story: http://sallyclarkson.com/blog/2017/1/3/1ldaemje0z4evgdvovrsqfhd2xbdyp
From Jesus Creed:
On Christmas Eve, the north wind tried to break in. The walls shook, the windows bowed under the knock of its hand. The rain struck with such force we thought we’d be sucked from our beds and swept away in a river down our stairs.
Read Full story: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2017/01/03/2017-terrible-loyalty-owe-owe/