From Young Salvationist:
Jesus learned about prayer at home and in the Hebrew school of His youth. He grew up with many of the same challenges we face, even though the times were vastly different.
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From War Cry:
Sadly, for many Easter weekend may not represent anything more than an opportunity to have an extended break from the relentless pursuit of other personal goals and ambitions.
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From Adventist Review:
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil recently inaugurated “Terra de Zion” [Zionland], the first Adventist theme park, which will focus on teaching children about sustainable development, healthy foods, and nature preservation.
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From U.S. Catholic:
Promulgated over 50 years ago, the insight that believers cannot exist apart from “the people of our time” and the “genuinely human” continues to challenge those who identify as Catholic.
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From The Christian Recorder:
March is Women’s History Month. While most publications and narratives will feature prominent women like Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earhart, Anne Frank, or maybe Jackie Onassis Kennedy, few will focus on the unique legacies of radical Black women whose activism pushed the church and the country to be fairer, equitable, and more just for all people.
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From Sojourners:
Wage gaps between employed black Americans and employed white Americans are larger than they were in 1979, according to data gathered by Valerie Wilson and Janelle Jones of the Economic Policy Institute, reports the Atlantic.
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From Faith & Leadership:
The leaders of most organizations and congregations are like drivers on a foggy interstate. Some pull over, some charge forward, and most slow down. All feel tension as they strain their eyes and flash their lights. How can we best navigate the dense mist that surrounds us?
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From The Alliance:
Mariyam is a runaway. She is among an increasing number of teenage girls in our city (and region) who have fled their rural homes or been sent by their families to find work in urban areas.
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From Presbyterians Today:
Eun Joo Kim, a Korean-American Presbyterian pastor, recalls a moment when she was leaving the first Korean-American youth ministry position that she held while in seminary.
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From The United Church Observer:
This story began when the first-born among you was old enough to find her way to the beach at the break of dawn. And now all but the youngest of you — my magnificent eight grandchildren or “dear hearts” as I like to call you — join in the same summertime tradition.
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From The Christian Century:
In September 2014, more than 300 people made their way to a downtown Chicago church for what they expected to be a typical Sunday service.
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From Church Health Reader:
How do we feed our souls? How do we find what we thirst for most deeply? Over the past 25 years my life has been nourished through the practice of spiritual direction.
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From The Christian Chronicle:
“If you sit around, you’re going to mope and groan and not want to get up,” the longtime preacher and carpenter told The Christian Chronicle.
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From Covenant Companion:
The timer beeps, signaling the end. We’re done, and not a moment too soon. I try to take a minute to compose myself, but it isn’t easy. My muscles are desperate for oxygen and no matter how deep my breaths, I can’t seem to satisfy their hunger.
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From Women of the ELCA:
Eager to warn churches in the Metro D.C. area about the reality of human trafficking in their communities, the Metropolitan Washington D.C. synodical women’s organization hit the streets.
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From Mennonite World Review:
Helping people lay down weapons was a thread running through much of Michael J. Sharp’s life.
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From The Alabama Baptist:
BIRMINGHAM (Jennifer Davis Rash) — Alabama is currently under a State of Emergency with the threat of significant and severe weather moving through the state tomorrow.
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From The Banner:
Imbedded in Jesus’ teaching on marriage and divorce in Matthew 19 is this command: “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate” (v. 6). This biblical given is echoed in the official position of our denomination (see
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From Friends United Meeting:
Just this morning, the first rays of light found their way into the new classrooms in the Belize City Friends Center. In the image, workers are cutting windows into the walls.
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From Adventist World:
Mention the word “hero” and we are likely to come up with a list of superheroes, movie characters (or the actors who play them), musicians, and sports stars.
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From Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:
More than 7 million people in South Sudan need humanitarian assistance as a result of drought and renewed violence.
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From PC(USA):
Twenty years ago, four denominations, including the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), signed a “Formula of Agreement” establishing full communion between the four churches (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Reformed Church in America, United Church of Christ).
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From Church of the Brethren:
The Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board at its meeting earlier this month gave approval for the release of $500,000 of the Nigeria crisis funds from the denomination’s Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF).
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From The Presbyterian Outlook:
When I graduated from seminary in the spring of 1982, I had never heard of family systems theory. I began a degree program in alcoholism and drug abuse counseling in the fall of 1982 and was introduced to the writings of psychiatrist Murray Bowen.
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From The Living Church:
A woman in her early 20s came up to Max McLean after a performance of his latest one-man play, C.S. Lewis Onstage: The Most Reluctant Convert, and said she could not possibly be a Christian.
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From Canadian Adventist Messenger:
The Adventist Encounter Bible Curriculum encourages students to search for truth in the Bible for themselves and to be able to explain and defend their faith to others.
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From The Episcopal Diocese of Texas:
Larisa González has been an active member of St. Paul’s, Houston for more than 12 years and has no plans to slowdown. She currently teaches Godly Play, sings in the choir and is involved civically with Mi Familia Vota—a cause that is close to her heart.
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From Prepare the Word:
There are some who would like to add Divine Intelligence theory, or creationism, to the curriculum to counter the teachings of the theory of evolution, which they contend is contrary to the biblical teachings of the origin of man.
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From The Network: Disability Concerns blog:
If you could take the vision of the body of Christ, as described in 1 Corinthians 12, and put it into practice in supported care homes, you would embody the practices described in this new book by Cara Milne, who serves Christian Reformed Classis Alberta South/Saskatchewan as Regional Disability Advocate.
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From Word & Way:
By the time this issue lands in mailboxes, we might have a ninth U.S. Supreme Court justice for the first time since Antonin Scalia’s death more than 13 months ago. The resume of Judge Neil Gorsuch, a reliable conservative justice, suggests he will soon move to Washington, D.C., to become the first Protestant on the high court since 2010.
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From Catholic Review:
WASHINGTON – Georgetown University has chosen April 18 as the date to rename two buildings on campus previously named for priests who sold 272 women, children and men into slavery for financial gain in 1838.
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From Office of the General Assembly Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.):
Twenty years ago, four denominations, including the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), signed a “Formula of Agreement” establishing full communion between the four churches (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Reformed Church in America, United Church of Christ).
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From The Baptist Standard:
SURPRISE, Ariz. (BP)—For Major League Baseball players, coaches and fans, Opening Day offers a time to look forward in anticipation of the season ahead. For Jason Griffin, it also was a time to celebrate the work God did during spring training.
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From Living Lutheran:
In February 2015, Jim Inhofe, a senator from Oklahoma, threw a snowball on the U.S. Senate floor in an effort to prove that global warming is a hoax.
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From Global Sisters Report:
They call Rwanda “The Land of a Thousand Hills.” Small mountains and knolls blanket this tiny country, from north to south and east to west. No matter where you stand, your feet are never on level ground — you are always either going up or going down.
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From Religion News Service:
CHICAGO (RNS) With the blessing of Pope Francis, Cardinal Blase Cupich on Tuesday (April 4) unveiled an anti-violence initiative for this beleaguered city that will be underscored by a Good Friday procession using the traditional stations of Jesus’ way to the cross to commemorate those who have been murdered.
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From Concordia Seminary Magazine:
Rev. Brad Birtell of St. John Lutheran Church in Columbus, Neb., stood before the Concordia Seminary community in chapel in October. For three days he preached as part of his church’s role as a host congregation of the Seminary for the 2016-17 academic year.
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From Anglican Journal:
“For 30 seconds, do not think of a blue horse,” psychologist and Anglican priest Canon Martin Brokenleg instructed a small roomful of attendees at a Toronto workshop March 27. “Nobody should be picturing a blue horse. If you’re picturing a blue horse, stop it. Do not think of a blue horse.”
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From In Trust:
Executive committees can serve a useful purpose in board governance. However, as Rebekah Burch Basinger cautions in a 2011 In Trust article, the use of executive committees has the potential to create division within a board.
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From Living City:
A doctor who used to work with men struggling with alcohol and drug addiction told me the hospital where we worked wanted to start a new clinic, a place where people could safely come off alcohol in a non-medical environment.
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From The Journal of Adventist Education:
The literature on minority and indigenous children reports that those who move from one geographic location to another, whether as immigrants, migrants, or refugees, often struggle in school, if they have access to education at all.
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From The Alliance:
Mariyam is a runaway. She is among an increasing number of teenage girls in our city (and region) who have fled their rural homes or been sent by their families to find work in urban areas.
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From Café:
We laugh to recall how our friendship started: our freshman year in college I approached her and said something like: “I think we will be friends.” I was right. We fell into friend-love, became nearly inseparable, and now nearly 20 years later, we both count our friendship as an enduring sign of God’s grace and love in our lives.
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From The Christian Post:
When it comes to sharing Jesus Christ with the growing numbers of religious “nones” in America — that is, those who answer “none” when asked to describe their religious beliefs or affiliations — there’s no silver bullet. That’s the bad news. The good news is, the Golden Rule still works pretty well.
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From Christian Today:
The death toll in the Idlib province of northern Syria has risen to at least 70 after victims were exposed to a toxic gas that survivors said was dropped from warplanes, as a major diplomatic row grew over the carnage.
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From World Magazine:
When Cari Stella recounts her transgender experience in a series of YouTube videos, she doesn’t shed tears, but she does talk about pain.
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From Touchstone Mag:
Several years ago I was struck by the first sentence in Eric Metaxas’ biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a quote from Eberhard Bethge describing his lifelong friend: “The rich world of his ancestors set the standards for Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s own life.
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From Just Between Us:
Moses and God were friends! Have you ever thought of your relationship with God in terms of a friendship? What were the elements of this friendship between God and Moses?
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From Christian Week:
So many churches that aren’t growing wonder why they’re not growing. Maybe you’ve wondered the same thing about your church or a friend’s church.
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From Assist News Service:
OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA (ANS – April 5, 2017) — At only 11-years-old he was throwing 50-yard passes with his older brother David Carr, then a rookie NFL quarterback. Raised in a godly Christian home, younger brother Derek sowed his share of wild oats until the love of Jesus expressed through a woman drew his heart back to God.
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From Anglican Communion News Service:
Anglican delegates attending the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York have returned home pledging to ‘change the world’ after what they described as a life-changing time at the UN.
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From Anglican News Service (Canada):
Taking another step towards healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada has appointed Ms. Melanie Delva as its reconciliation animator, effective June 1, 2017.
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From Baptist News Global:
Baptists were among 99 religious and denominational organizations April 4 urging members of Congress to maintain a law that prohibits churches and other tax-exempt organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates.
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