Summer offers both the time for relaxation and opportunities for staying active in our faith. Here are some perspectives on summer from the religious press:
From Living Lutheran:
Now that summer’s in the air, and blue skies and warm temperatures are upon us, walking is on my mind. The start of summer is a great time to get outside and start a walking routine. Here are three spiritual lessons I’ve learned while walking:
Read Full story: https://www.livinglutheran.org/2017/06/three-spiritual-lessons-of-walking/
From The Banner:
After decades at the back of my brain, that cheer came to mind the other day. I was thinking about Inspire 2017 and our hope that two, four, six, or even eight members from every Christian Reformed congregation will attend.
Read Full story: https://thebanner.org/together/2017/04/raise-a-cheer-for-this-summer-s-gathering
From UMC.org:
We asked our friends at The United Methodist Publishing House and Abingdon Press to recommend some great reads that would feed our faith this summer. They told us about 10 wonderful books to enjoy by the pool, at the beach, or in a favorite chair.
Read Full story: http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/10-books-to-feed-your-faith-great-reads-for-united-methodists
From Black Christian News Network One:
Whether you’re hosting a dinner party al fresco or just need to whip up something fast and easy, these summer dinner recipes can all be made in a flash (which means more time to kick back and enjoy the weather!).
Read Full story: http://blackchristiannews.com/2017/05/11-ideas-for-summer-dinner-parties/
From Crux:
ROME – Here’s what we know about the lay of the land in and around the Vatican at the beginning of summer 2017.
Read Full story: https://cruxnow.com/analysis/2017/06/07/will-pope-franciss-summer-surprise/
From SOS Radio:
Visit a mission site or take the kids to serve at a local rescue mission. (Use this as a teachable moment to talk about generosity and how Christians can be the answer to the tangible needs in our city)
Read Full story: https://www.sosradio.net/blog-entry/ideas-help-your-kids-grow-spiritually-over-summer
From LifeWay:
Did you realize that God’s work doesn’t take a sabbatical during summer months? How can your church seize the unique evangelism and fellowship opportunities of the season?
Read Full story: http://lfwy.co/2sa2nE1
From US Catholic:
In the early ’80s, when home computers were first widely available, my family plugged in early. My dad took a corner in the large room my brothers shared and made an office where we all took turns playing 2-bit graphic games or writing code in DOS that translated into a noisily printed image on our dot matrix printer.
Read Full story: http://www.uscatholic.org/blog/201706/break-your-technology-addiction-summer-31032
From Religion News Service:
(RNS) Summer vacation is almost here, and with that comes the “suggested reading list” kids bring home from school. Here is our suggestion for the grown-ups — fiction and nonfiction titles in which religion and spirituality play a role, but without proselytizing or offering self-help platitudes. And there’s even an extra-credit book for those who like a little heavy lifting with the summer sunshine.
Read Full story: http://religionnews.com/2017/05/12/summer-reading-list-extra-credit-edition/
From Catholic News Agency:
We gave our son a Kindle for his college graduation gift. Being an avid reader, and at the age where technology seems all-consuming, it seemed like the perfect gift. Months after graduation, having noticed that he still kept purchasing paperback books that he devoured in his rare spare time, we asked him what happened to the Kindle.
Read Full story: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/cw/post.php?id=515
From The Baptist Standard:
When I was a girl, my family took wonderful road trips each summer. We would throw our suitcases and camping gear into the trunk, pile into our wood-paneled Ford Country Squire station wagon, roll down the windows and crisscross the country, eager to experience our nation’s heritage and our Baptist roots.
Read Full story: https://www.baptiststandard.com/news/texas/19128-texas-baptist-heritage-road-trip-a-summer-to-celebrate
From CatholicPhilly:
This summer elementary-school readers can take a timeout from preparing for the next grade or athletic event, and train to become a saint by using the virtues as a guide. Organized by mini-biographies, reflections and questions, “How to be a Hero” explores the virtuous lives of St. John Paul II, St. Josephine Bakhita and St. Charbel Makhlouf among many others.
Read Full story: http://catholicphilly.com/2017/06/us-world-news/culture/this-summer-explore-nature-poetry-saints-with-new-childrens-books/
From Baptist Health South Florida:
There are more than 14,000 camps in the U.S., including specialty summer programs that focus on sports, technology, arts or basic back-to-nature outdoor skills. The range of activities is broad, but you child’s health and safety are the top priorities.
Read Full story: https://baptisthealth.net/baptist-health-news/summer-camp-safety-tips-infographic/
From Today’s Catholic News:
Imagine this — a camp setting on a beautiful lake where young boys and girls from the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, guided by enthusiastic, interested and kind adults, enjoy nature and engage in fun and meaningful outdoor activities such as archery, swimming, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, crafts, the famous obstacle course, climbing wall, zip line and campfires.
Read Full story: http://www.todayscatholicnews.org/2017/05/catholic-youth-summer-camp-plans-for-seventh-year-of-fun-faith/
From The Livingston Parish News:
LIVINGSTON — Satsuma Baptist Church Rev. Brad Delaughter wanted the children in his congregation to know one thing: They were made for a purpose.
Read Full story: http://www.livingstonparishnews.com/living/attendance-doubles-at-satsuma-baptist-church-s-annual-summer-bible/article_abde14a0-4ef7-11e7-9e71-0b3211883f62.html
From Catholic Culture:
The Wednesday following Pentecost traditionally begins the Summer or Pentecost Ember Days. I have written several posts on Ember Days (links at the end of this post) but never touched on the Ember Days following Pentecost, hence yet another post on Ember Days. I’m in the midst of packing for our summer vacation, so the post is a little late, but there is one more day left for these Ember Days.
Read Full story: http://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/blog/index.cfm?id=284
From At Work On Purpose:
Spring is here and summer’s just around the corner. Kids are all excited for the summer fun time off from school. Parents are thinking…what are we going to do with these kids for three months? Man, it seems everything costs money. Well, I surveyed some local parents to give us all some ideas that are inexpensive and fun.
Read Full story: http://atworkonpurpose.org/summer-timeand-living-easy/
From Interpreter Magazine:
When the school year ends, many students and teachers look forward to taking time off to go on vacation or just relax.
Read Full story: http://www.interpretermagazine.org/topics/summer-tutoring-programs-enhance-learning
From The New Northeast:
For the past 50 years, young people from across Maine and beyond have immersed themselves in the natural world at our diocesan camp, Bishopswood. Located in the midcoast town of Hope, Bishopswood is just five miles from downtown Camden.
Read Full story: https://newnortheast.me/2017/06/09/summer-finale-week-new-way-gather-bishopswood/
From National Catholic Register:
Every summer, American families become road warriors, heading out for day trips, weekend excursions, or longer vacations to explore our vast, fascinating nation. There are plenty of significant sites across the United States that have unexpected Catholic links.
Read Full story: http://www.ncregister.com/blog/tcraughwell/7-of-americas-catholic-summer-travel-destinations
From Chrisicisms:
Constant readers have probably noticed that the writing here has been a bit slower in the past month. It’s been two weeks since my last post, and a look at my Letterboxd account this weekend revealed I only saw two movies in the month of April.
Read Full story: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/chrisicisms/2017/05/02/summer-genesis-history-mst3k-batman/
From Aleteia:
Summer vacation is beloved by students and teachers of every age, with its late mornings, relaxing evenings, and long days of fun with friends and family. It should also be a time to deepen a person’s prayer life.
Read Full story: https://aleteia.org/2017/05/26/2-short-prayers-for-a-long-summer-vacation/
From Challies:
Summer is here! And we’ve got five great reasons to skip reading your Bible this summer:
Read Full story: https://www.challies.com/sponsored/five-great-reasons-to-skip-reading-your-bible-this-summer
From Relevant Magazine:
I often find myself triggered into an elevated state of mind when I get there. The eclectic architecture—ranging from neoclassical, victorian to contemporary and many in between—enamors me.
Read Full story: https://relevantmagazine.com/article/how-summer-traveling-can-be-a-spiritual-practice/
From Southern Baptist Convention:
Summer is here, which means many college students have returned home from their universities. Many churches find it difficult to determine how to best welcome them back. Do you simply funnel them into your youth ministry programs?
Read Full story: http://erlc.com/resource-library/articles/6-ways-to-welcome-college-students-home-this-summer
From CBN News:
It’s nearly summer time, and it would serve us well to be reminded of some useful health and fitness tips while preparing for our summer agenda.
Read Full story: http://www1.cbn.com/700club/ten-fitness-tips-healthy-summer
From iBelieve.com:
Ah, the lazy days of summer. Sleeping in. Lounging by the community pool. Trips to the lake or the beach. Chasing fireflies at night. In our house, we’ve looked forward to summer for weeks now. One of the things I enjoy about summer is the extra time to read. In fact, summer and reading make me nostalgic.
Read Full story: http://www.ibelieve.com/blogs/christina-fox/summer-is-for-reading.html
From Christian Connection:
Rising temperatures and light nights bring a wealth of opportunities to get outdoors and hit the reset button after winter. So here are seven suggestions of on-trend, seasonal date ideas, that’ll help you make the most of this summer.
Read Full story: https://blog.christianconnection.com/seven-great-summer-dates/
From CatholicMom.com:
As I watched my son belly flop over the edge of our inflatable backyard pool, the essence of summer washed over me. I love the carefree days of summer. The sound of kids yelling and laughing outdoors until twilight steals the day; afternoons spent lounging by the pool; spontaneous trips to get ice cream and slushes.
Read Full story: http://catholicmom.com/2017/05/19/5-ideas-fruitful-faith-filled-summer/
From First Baptist Church blog:
I want to begin by quoting the great theologian (that’s a joke) Alice Cooper; “School’s out for summer!” I think it’s appropriate that I use his lyrics since he and his wife worshiped with us on Sunday morning just a few weeks ago. It is hard to believe, but the summer is here. Swim leagues have kicked off and summer camps are just around the corner.
Read Full story: https://fbcaugusta.org/staff-blog/summer-is-here/
From The Forge:
Summer is quickly approaching, and I’m sure you know what that means: NO SCHOOL! Summer is all about awesome camps, family vacations, beach trips, hanging out with friends, video games for days, all the sun and water things, and forgetting you’re a Catholic…wait what?! Yeah, you heard me.
Read Full story: http://theforge.live/holy-summer
From First Baptist Dallas:
Summer is here! For many that looks like more family time, more down time, and sometimes more lost time. How do we fill our days after a season of busy schedules? For others, summer is a crazy time of activities and travel. How do you live intentionally in the midst of running back and forth?
Read Full story: http://www.firstdallas.org/blog/summer-on-mission/
From BCH Blog:
Cold watermelon tastes so good on a hot summer day. I can’t eat a slice today without smiling and recalling the seed-spitting contests I won as a boy.
Read Full story: https://www.bchblog.org/single-post/2017/06/06/Give-a-child-an-unforgettable-summer
From Central Valley Christian Schools blog:
School’s out for summer, and now that you have that song stuck in your head, you’ve got to find something to distract yourself…and your kids! (You’re welcome, in advance.)
Read Full story: http://www.cvc.org/summer-of-2017-activities/
From KLove:
As the school year comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about how your family wants to spend its summer. Of course, many families may have already been planning this summer’s trip for the last two years, but not all of us are that thorough. Besides, you may want to put together an impromptu trip with a little extra time or money that’s been discovered.
Read Full story: https://www.klovefanawards.com/christian-family-trip-ideas-summer
From ChurchLaw&Tax:
Giving is often a difficult topic for pastors to discuss with their congregations. The common worry is that no one likes to be told how to use their money. But donations are vital to keep the local church running effectively.
Read Full story: http://www.churchlawandtax.com/blog/2017/june/5-tips-to-increase-giving-this-summer.html
From Ministry Today:
As summer approaches, people normally begin to think about vacations and travel. But for those on a tight budget, vacation dreams often turn into the summertime blues.
Read Full story: http://ministrytodaymag.com/life/personal-finance/23842-money-saving-ideas-for-your-summer-vacation
From Guideposts:
Traveling this summer? Out on the road? Taking a vacation? No need to make it a vacation from church. Try dropping in on a congregation away from home.
Read Full story: https://www.guideposts.org/better-living/travel/visit-a-church-this-summer
From Our Sunday Visitor:
When my kids were younger, they would watch a cartoon called Phineas and Ferb. The opening song is so catchy that it would stay in my head for days. The words go something like: “There’s 104 days of summer vacation … and the annual problem of our generation is finding a good way to spend it.”
Read Full story: http://bit.ly/2s3B00b
From The Gospel Coalition:
One of my favorite ways to enjoy summer is to sit and savor a good book. While I often read theological or devotional books, sometimes it’s nice to relax and read a good story or biography that’s well told. I always ask friends for recommendations, so today I’m sharing some books I enjoyed this past year, in no particular order.
Read Full story: https://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/melissakruger/2017/06/02/favorite-finds-friday-books-for-summer-enjoyment-2/
From World:
On that day, the continental United States will experience a coast-to-coast total solar eclipse, starting in Oregon, through Wyoming, Missouri to South Carolina. The central path runs through a dozen states, though every continental state will see at least a partial eclipse.
Read Full story: http://bit.ly/2toZIpw
From Christian Today:
Treasures dating back more than 1,300 years and linked to St Cuthbert himself will be unveiled at Durham Cathedral later this summer.
Read Full story: http://bit.ly/2sd0bM5
From Catholic Courier:
This summer elementary-school readers can take a timeout from preparing for the next grade or athletic event, and train to become a saint by using the virtues as a guide.
Read Full story:
From Baptist Messenger:
In just two weeks Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center will open the 2017 summer season. During 10 weeks this summer, thousands will come through the gates of the conference center. Children, youth and Native Americans of all ages will spend a week in the Arbuckle Mountains, and each week will be a time of great fun but also a time of great spiritual engagement.
Read Full story: https://www.baptistmessenger.com/perspective-the-100th-summer-at-falls-creek/
From Deseret News:
HERRIMAN — Seven years later, Lucinda Campbell still tears up talking about the death of her son, Tyler Blais. “They were on a road trip, just being boys,” she said. “They’d been on the road almost 24 hours when it happened.”
Read Full story: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865682997/Drowsy-driving-fatalities-spike-during-summer-months.html
From Christ Church Plano blog:
People often say to me “you are so busy.” It breaks my heart as I know what they are really saying is that I don’t have time for them. As much as it hurts, I know it is true. For as long as I can remember, the only pace of life that I have known is frenetic and harried.
Read Full story: http://www.christchurchplano.org/blog/2017/summer-a-time-to-rest
From All Saints East Dallas:
Today is three of my four kids’ last day of school. Amy and I attended a sweet kindergarten performance, jumped up and down with joy, and have felt a renewing sense of freedom because all of the work of the school year has now been completed.
Read Full story: http://www.allsaintseastdallas.org/blog-1/2017/5/31/schools-out-fulfilled-time
From Ouachita Blog:
Summer internships are an excellent way to gain practical work experience to help prepare you for your future career. It’s more than just resume fodder; it’s an investment. Whether your internship is for credit toward your degree or for some extra spending money this summer, it’s important to make the most of your opportunity.
Read Full story: https://www.obu.edu/blog/5-ways-make-summer-internship/
From Calvary Blog:
Summer is almost here! Soon school will be out and it will be time for family vacation, summer camps, sporting events, trips up north, mission trips, etc. Have you ever thought to yourself, “This summer, things are going to be different.
Read Full story: http://www.calvary.org/children-youth-and-family/blog/posts/10245/Making-It-Count–5-Ways-to-Make-the-Most-of-Your-Summer…-and-Beyond!