I’m Sally Hicks, editor of Faith & Leadership, which is published by Leadership Education at Duke Divinity. I’ve been in my current position for 10 years – before that, I was a senior writer in the Duke Office of News & Communications and a newspaper reporter and editor at the (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer and the Tampa Bay Times.
This is my first term on the ACP board, and I’ve been coming to the convention for most of the past decade. The ACP is one of the few organizations that, like our publication, sits at the nexus of journalism and the church. And the conventions give me the opportunity to network outside my own shop with colleagues who have similar interests.
I encourage you to take a moment out of your day and make a tax deductible contribution to the ACP Legacy Fund in the support of our efforts to provide valuable professional development, advocacy and connections for our members.
Sally Hicks
Faith & Leadership